Obviously, it is a participant and the participant assumes the responsibility. But the Constitution does not provide. President's responsibility is clear - it is responsible for defense, along with the government for foreign policy, judges, justice aspects.
All is well, but the government must show leadership, whatever its direction, rather than every time to look over your shoulder, you tell the president, God forbid, fall out, "- says the Conservative-Christian Democrat leader. -
Last year, another right-wing party party - the Liberal Movement - ahead of your party according to public opinion polls. It appears that your presidency will end badly, but after the scandal LS ratings returned. TS-LKD quite successful was the family's first round, but the second round was lost. The government not already and found yourself in opposition. What's next?
Read more: http://www.delfi.lt/news/daily/lithuania/g-landsbergis-matau-du-galimus-luzio-taskus.d?id=73393404