oConsulting GmbH

Freedom avenue

History, Kaunas

Nikolay Prospect during the reign of Lithuania for tsarist Russia

1843 The Order of the Russian Tsar Nikolai I established the province of Kaunas. Until 1847 A city design plan has been prepared and approved. A well-organized network of streets and squares, three squares (ie, Independence, Unity and square of Laisvės al. / L. Sapiegos Street near the Municipality) are planned. The main street, named after the Tsar's throne, is located on Nikolay Prospekt, is wider, consisting of two carriageways separated by a pedestrian walkway.

Two streets - in the western and eastern part of the new urban area - merged the avenue, the third square is located north of it. 1848 New Town streets began to be marked on the ground in 1849. started to divide the plots for construction. 1851 In the larger section of the Laisvės avenue (until Independence Square) are planted in July, in the eastern part are topli. Since 1857 Strips for transporting stones.

