oConsulting GmbH


Keyboard shortcuts. For people with visual impairment, most of the points in this site can be accessed using multi-key combinations:

  • Control and +/- or Control and mouse wheel up or down : Increases and decreases text size;
  • Press the SHIFT key five times : turn the keystrokes on and off;
  • Hold down the SHIFT key for eight seconds : turn key filtering on and off; z
  • Hold down the NUM LOCK key for five seconds : switch and unmute the sound;
  • Left ALT + Left SHIFT + NUM LOCK : Turns the mouse on and off the keyboard;
  • Left ALT + Left SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN : Turns on and off the contrast image;

Other key combinations:

  • F1 - Calling Guide;
  • F2 - rename the selected directory or file name;
  • F3 - the file search box opens on the desktop;
  • F5 - refreshed image (refresh);
  • F10 - the program menu opens;
  • Ctrl + A - Select all desktop objects;
  • Alt + Enter - Object Properties Panel Opens;
  • Alt - underlined letter from the menu - selectable menu sections;
  • Alt + F4 - Closed window;
  • Ctrl + C - the marked objects are copied to the computer's memory;
  • Ctrl + V - Paste objects from the copied place to the selected place;
  • Delete - delete the selected object;
  • Ctrl + D - Deletes the selected object;
  • Alt + Space - Opens the window menu;
  • Shift + F10 - Opens the selected item menu;
  • Ctrl + Esc - the "Start" menu is called;
  • Alt + Tab - select another window;
  • Ctrl + Z - cancel the last action;